Sunday, June 19, 2011

Money Makes the World Go Round.

It is sad but true. I have tried to imagine a world without money but I am afraid it would never work because human beings would just find something else to replace it with. But then I thought, what about trading? That still wouldn't work because we wouldn't know how many lemons would get you a computer. So in the long run I guess money is important and I am noticing that now more then ever.
Starting college is a scary thing. But it's not the starting over that scares me, it is the "what comes after". What if I don't get a job? What if what I major in has no help for me in the real world? What if I never complete my dream of publishing my book? It is a rather scary thought to think one day I might be homeless...
So this summer I have decided to make as much money as I possibly can! While I get a job, get ready for college, and try to write a book that I hope to one day get published I will be making bookmarks to sell on the side. Though that seems like a tiny thing that will barely get me any money. It will be something to do during me free time that will help me in the long run.
Now the next thing I need to learn how to do is write a blog.

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