Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Blogging for Fun

At the moment I am reading one of my best friends stories. It is quite amazing! I will enclose her blog info, you should defiantly read her stuff. And it makes me realize you can really tell who a person is by the way she writes her stories...weird I know.


Also I am editing my own work, it is relaxing and rather boring (Do you like the boring color I chose?). I hate going over stuff I have already written, it seems so (red)undant. But I know, in the long run, it will help. Especially if I want to achieve my goal.

I am almost done with this story. Then I can begin upon the sequel! I am so excited to begin! I know that the third one will be my favorite to write, I kind of want to begin on it now- But I must go in order.

Also before I leave you all for the night, I would like to thank Miss Sawyer Fuller. She helped me with this amazing new way of blogging.

I will be posting more soon! x

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Perilous Undertakings of Cleaning, Part 1

Before I begin this random, pointless blog about cleaning, I feel like you all should know that the title was a bit too dramatic for the passage before you. But I like the way it sounds, so we are leaving the title as is. Plus knowing my history, there will probably be more posts on this topic...
This weekend I started the unpleasant (and much put off) task of cleaning/re-organizing my room. On Saturday I cleaned and swept my floors, hung up all my clothes and cleaned out my dresser (I have been wanting to give up that space-hog for a while now). It has been a lot of work but there is still so much left to do; Clean out my desk, get rid of clothes, organize my bookshelves, and go through bags of stuff I have had hoarded away.
Today my task consists of cleaning out my desk and hopefully move onto my bookshelves (to me, my bookshelf is like what a trophy case means to an Olympic champion). I have so much work to do. Maybe if I am lucky I will have time to make my bed for once.
So much to do and I must be finished by Thursday...Wish me luck!
P.S. I plan on posting a blog about my bookshelf, also many more on writing/books.