Saturday, September 3, 2011

My First College Post

Whether my life is one novel or a book series, I have moved onto my next adventure. College. After finishing my first week in a liberal arts college I have learned a lot of things and yet very few of them are academic.

1) Liberal Art's is NOT the same thing as an art's school. Though they might tell you this, it is not true. Coming from an Art's high school I expected basically the same thing that happened over there to happen in my new college environment. But no one dresses express themselves, no one does anything to stand out of the crowd. They are all so alike it is hard to tell them apart.
2) The campus is divided by two groups: commuters and residents. They rarely ever mix.
3) Introducing yourself as a nerd (in a joking sort of manner) black balls you from making friends.
4) College students think they know everything. They don't. If they did then they wouldn't be showing up to class an half and hour late hung over.
5) No one likes somebody who actually cares. Each of them put all of their energy in trying to be cool instead of their academics and their intended major.

Now here is the list of things I have learned academically:
1) How to make pin shots.
2) Socks are not allowed in yoga.

Pretty dismal I know. But thankfully I have started to make friends. I have a close knit group that I eat lunch with. They, like me, actually care about academics. I have made a group of friends I can study with. I have at least one person to walk to class with each day. And I have found someone to carpool with twice a week. The only downside about the carpool situation is that I barely know the person. So each drive his filled with awkward silence and sometimes awkward conversations.

From what I hear, things will get better. I hear that our college years are the best. I hope they are right, because so far the best year of my life was my senior year. But who knows. It was only the first week and that is usually when people are still trying to find their way.

Now off to finish a bucket load of homework that is so easy it is tedious...